Hello Wildcats!

To find the links or info you need, please look under your grade section, and then scroll down until you see either your teacher’s name OR the name of the course you are taking.

Staff: Please contact Ms. Stewart if you need anything added or removed.

Mr. Dang - Science 8

Immunology Unit Project

Ms. Knezevich - CLC 11

What is social media? Quick overview and history

Study suggests too much time on social media can hurt teens' mental health.

The truth about teens, social media and the mental health crisis.

Depression and teens: Are devices to blame?

Are the kids alright IRL?

Rise of screen time puts children at high risk of social media addiction.

 Ms. Parsons

Perseverance Research Project

Below are come credible websites for researching famous people. These are in addition to the encyclopedias on the Research page.

Ms. Wright - ELD Block D

Helpful research links here. - some links will require a password. Please ask your teacher or library staff.

Please see our collection of books that are available for your class.

Here is a note taking template that may help you in your research.

Ms. Wright - Drama 11/12

CLC Classes - Links for Independent Living

Mr. Horncastle - SS9

Article # 1 “The 7 Main Ways Technology Impacts Daily Life”

Article # 2 “How Technology Can and Can’t Make us Happier”

Article # 3 “The Impact of Social Media on Body Image & Mental Health”

Article # 4 “Tech made our lives easier. Now it takes more than it gives”

Evaluate worksheet

Ms. Thomas - Vikings research project

  1. Vinland

  2. New Viking site found in Newfoundland

  3. Did space archaeologists unearth a second Viking settlement in America?

  4. Viking invasion: archaeologists uncover a possible lost settlement in Canada

  5. Point Rosee facts for kids.

  6. Point Rosee Archaeological Testing Report - *hint - use the Table of Contents to find the RECOMMEDATIONS section.

Ms. Thomas - Symbolism Assignment

Colour websites:

  1. https://alumni.sae.edu/2016/03/08/what-do-colors-mean-and-represent/

  2. https://literarydevices.net/colors-symbolism/

  3. https://www.masterclass.com/articles/color-symbolism-in-literature

  4. https://www.canva.com/learn/color-meanings-symbolism/

Explorers Research Project

Anything below with a * will require the username and password for Britannica Encyclopedia. Please ask your teacher OR ask Ms. Stewart in the Learning Commons. You can also click on the “contact us” page of this website to send an email to Learning Commons staff.

Erick Red*

Erick Red

Leif Erickson - note: while this article contains relevant information to Leif Erickson, Wordbook does unfortunately use some dated/inaccurate terms to describe indigenous people. This is not okay, and Wellington has been in contact with Worldbook to have the issue corrected.

Leif Erickson*

Marco Polo*

Marco Polo

Prince Henry the Navigator

Prince Henry the Navigator

Vasco de Gama*

Vasco de Gama

Amerigo Vespucci*

Amerigo Vespucci

John Cabot

John Cabot*

Francisco Pizarro*

Francisco Pizarro

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado*

Juan Ponce de Leon*

Juan Ponce de Leon

Vasco Nunez de Balbo*

Vasco Nunez de Balbo

Hernan Cortes*

Hernan Cortes

Ferdinand Magellan

Ferdinand Magellan*

Bartolomeu Dias

Bartolomeu Dias*

Cabeza de Vaca*

Cabeza de Vaca

Giovanni Da Verrazzano*

Giovanni Da Verrazzano

Hernando de Soto

Hernando de Soto*

Jacques Cartier

Jacques Cartier*

Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo*

Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo

Sir Frances Drake*

Sir Frances Drake

Walter Raleigh*

Walter Raleigh

Henry Hudson

Henry Hudson*

Samuel Champlain

Samuel Champlain*

Robert De La Salle

Robert De La Salle*

Mr. Allison’s SS9 Class

Let’s examine two encyclopedia articles together.

Article One

Article Two

Ms. Aitken’s SS 10 Class

Topic 1 - Innovations During WW2

Topic 2 - Hilter’s Leadership

Topic 3 - Women’s Rights

Topic 4 - Intolerance in Canada

Topic 5 - Changes to Canada in World War One and World War Two

Topic 6 - Canada as an Autonomous Nation

Canada’s Declaration of Independence

Canada and the Commonwealth

Canada’s Parliamentary System

Mr. Lennox - Travel Assignment Links




Indigenous Studies Class

Torres Strait Islander:














Ainu and Okinawans:











